Photographer Manfred Esser
Painter Wolfgang Beltracchi

The “Project Beltracchi” are photographic works by Manfred Esser, painted over by Wolfgang Beltracchi.

The theme of the first series are different black/white and color, large format prints showing the portrait of the artist Wolfgang Beltracchi.
By painting over each of the images is a unique copy.

The idea of artistic cooperation grew out of the long friendship between the two artists and the personal, very dramatic experiences that Wolfgang Beltracchi has made during the process at the Cologne Regional Court and also from the related prison stay.

Manfred Esser has supported his friend through those hard times With the support of this friendship Wolfgang Beltracchi was able to present his experiences in a new form. The project of two artists was created, Beltracchi could explore his relationship with the painters of the modern classic on a new path..

The creative influence of the artists of the early 20th century on the painter’s life is reflected in the pictorial editing of the expressive photographs.

The symbiosis of painting + photography leads to a creative tension, which expresses the development of painting of the last century in a contemporary manner.
The question “What is an original? is asked once again.

The collaboration and thus the Beltracchi Project ended on 01.09.2012, because Wolfgang Beltracchi now dedicates himself to other self-initiated projects.
Please click here for visiting the website of Wolfgang Beltracchi: